I've been thinking a lot this month about the role I play in my little slice of the world. I recently broke my phone, and as I save up my money I've been forced to take a really good look at whats going on around me. I often feel like I'm not doing enough, and to be perfectly honest its objectively true. I work, sure, and I occasionally clean. However I wouldn't be the only person to say that when I get home most my time is spent relaxing, and engaging in my vice of choice. And just to be clear, I have a lot to choose from. TV, Youtube, Drugs, ALchohol, videogames, or simply just sitting down and staring out the window, ambivlent and stoned.
Without my little smart phone to accomany me and give me a constant stream of content, music, and entertainment I've really come to realize just how little I acomplish each day, despite spending every night agonising my place in life.
So what does this have to do with What-aboutism, Meow-Meow?
I've come to realize that I, and I'm sure many others, have deluded themselves into negative inaction cylce through mental gymnastics that come down to the loud voice of self doubt! EX "I really need to do the dishes" --> "What about the fact you're tired, you should get stoned instead!"
If you find this page through web searching its a wip and not a finished thought. Sorry...