Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! Change your life!!!!!

This may intially sound insane or elitest, but give it a second. I really do think too many people have let thier lives be eaten up by consumerism. I have invited people into my home who scoff at my reused mason jar cups and second hand furniture. Who get boxes upon boxes of fast food and pre packaged meals. Who work and work and work only to spend hundreds on STUFF that is eaten, shit out, and thrown away. Or better yet, sits in the house for a while before being thrown away. And that sounds all too cynical. I exagerate for dramatic effect. But the point still stands- people are becoming lost as commerece and indstralisation comes to a point where the average man shrugs and says "well, its not my problem! Everything comes from human suffering. Who am I to try and keep up with all of that? I could never enjoy anything!" All the while thier plastic foot print grows and grows. On average, as of 2018 (quite outdated, I know), we make around 5 pounds of trash daily. DAILY!